Taking Back Control - Why are Councils Actively Pursuing Direct Ownership of Shopping Centres? (January 2020) Seminar Presentation




Seminar Presentation

The increasing activity of Councils in the shopping centre investment market has brought mixed reviews.   Whilst taking control of one of the most important commercial assets in their town centre can be seen as a credible use of time and finance, concerns have been raised about the timing and practicalities of such intervention. 

This talk will address the motives behind this growing trend and will tackle the challenges that have been raised by various critics across the sector.    It will go on to explore the different funding options available to Local Authorities, including borrowing from the Public Works Loan Board and financing through long income strips offer with institutional investors. 

This seminar provides an opportunity to hear from a leading consultant in the market, a Council who has successfully intervened by acquiring their shopping centre, and a long income funder with first-hand experience of income strips.

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