Research Programme Grants

IPF Research Programme 2024 Grant Awards

The IPF Research Programme is delighted to launch its 2024 Grant Award scheme.

The aim of the scheme is to provide financial assistance, of up to £9,000, to encourage real estate investment research. While no specific themes are suggested, prospective applicants are encourage to examine issues that would advance the real estate investment industry’s understanding of and implications for asset pricing, risk-adjusted performance and investment strategy. The scheme is also open to individuals working within institutional organisations, where the grant may be used to fund data acquisition (as financial support is unlikely to be appropriate).

The deadline for submissions is 30 September 2024 and proposals will be evaluated by the Grant Selection Committee, a sub-committee of the IPF Research Steering Group. There is not a defined number of grant awards. It is expected that research will take three to four months and final reports should be made available by the end of February 2025. The successful research will be showcased, either together or separately, in webinars taking place in March/April 2025.

Additional information on the submission process is provided in the IPF Research Submission Guidelines 2024, which can be found here.

The Grant scheme was first run in 2021 and three applicants were awarded grants. In 2023, the scheme was repeated for a second time, with seven successful applicants. The corresponding research reports can be found here.