The IPF runs a wide programme of events for its members throughout the year in London and the regions. We also regularly partner with other industry organisations on events.
There is no limit to the number of free events that you can attend annually as an IPF member. As a courtesy to other members, however, we do ask that you let us know in good time if you are unable to attend an event you have booked on. As our events are very popular, we often have a waiting list and this will allow us to release your place to another member.
Places booked on free events are always transferrable provided the other person is an IPF member. If you would like to send a non-member in your place, please contact us as not all of our events are open to non-members. Please do not send a non-member as a replacement on the day of an event as we cannot guarantee entry, and this occasionally causes embarrassment.
The IPF is not an accrediting body for CPD, but we can collate details of events that a member has attended for their own CPD records.
We give priority booking to our members, but do also open up our events to non-members where appropriate. The cost of a non-member place at one of our seminars in London is £95. In Scotland, the Midlands and the North, the cost is £75. Webinar places for non-members are £65.
To request a place on a seminar, please complete the below booking form and submit to [email protected].

In order to be able to provide a full seminar and workshop programme, the IPF relies on the generosity of its members for venues. If your organisation has a suitable space and would like to host an IPF event, we would be delighted if you would get in touch. Our space requirements range from 10-person workshops to 300+ person seminars – and everything in between! Please contact Hannah, our Educational Events Manager - [email protected].
Our webinars are run on the GoTo Webinar platform. Many of the webinars are saved and available for member viewing post-event.