
The IPF is governed by the Operational Board and the Strategic Advisory Group. The members of the Operational Board are Directors of the company, and oversee the day-to-day running of the IPF. The Strategic Advisory Group acts as a sounding-board for other committees and helps to drive the strategic direction of the IPF.

Operational Board

Clare Thomas - CMS (Chair & Honorary Treasurer)
Sue Forster - Investment Property Forum (Chief Executive)
John Gardiner - AIG Asset Management
Jo Jackson - SEGRO
Stafford Lancaster - Delancey Real Estates Asset Management
Rob Martin - LGIM Real Assets
Graeme Rutter - CBRE
Ben Sanderson - Aviva Investors

Strategic Advisory Group

Meets once a year and is responsible for determining the IPF’s longer-term strategy.

Membership comprises one representative from:

  • The Research Steering Group and Future Leaders Committee; and
  • Each of the regional boards, special interest groups and working groups active at the time of the meeting.

The IPF Chair, Immediate Past Chair, Vice Chair, Honorary Treasurer and the Chief Executive are automatically members during their respective terms of appointment.