Past Chairs and Life Members

Past Chairs

Adrian Wyatt
Adrian White
Michael Boggis
Richard Catling
Ramsay Mason
Andrew Graham
John Whalley (deceased)
Phillip Nelson
Mark Burton
Edward Luker
Stuart Beevor
Rupert Clarke
Martin Moore
Rob Bould
Steven Fogel
Ian Marcus
Andy Martin
Paul McNamara
Ian Womack
Peter Freeman
Andrew Hynard
Peter Pereira Gray
John Gellatly
Phil Clark
Amanda Howard
Andrew Smith
Max Sinclair
Chris Ireland
Ciaran Carvalho
Jonathan Thompson
Philip Nell
Graeme Rutter
Ben Sanderson
Graeme Rutter (second term)
Stafford Lancaster

Life Members

The award of life membership recognises those IPF members who have made a significant contribution to the organisation and/or the industry as a whole.

Stuart Beevor
Rob Bould
Phil Clark
Robert Clarke
Sir David Clementi
Neil Crosby
Ian Cullen (deceased)
John Gellatly
Andrew Graham
Andrew Hynard
Michael Mallinson
Ian Marcus
Andy Martin
John McLachlan
Paul McNamara
Fiona Morton
Phillip Nelson
Sir Idris Pearce
Peter Pereira Gray
John Plender
Sir John Ritblat
Karen Sieracki
John Story
Ian Womack
Adrian Wyatt